Learning from the Seasons and Stages of Life

Having grown up in Minnesota, I came to appreciate the uniqueness, and beauty, of each of the 4 seasons, though I probably would suggest that winter there is a bit too long.  Each season has many enjoyable qualities, but summer is my favorite time of year.  Summer represents a time to slow down, relax, rest and be restored.  Yet, as much as I enjoy summer, I am thankful that it is not summer all the time.  Rest and ...

Why is True Spiritual Transformation So Elusive?

We live in a time when people, politicians, government, community organizations, companies and even churches over promise and under deliver.  They say trust me, vote for me, give your money, buy our product, take this pill, do this exercise or attend our church and your life will be transformed.  Do these things and you will have the life you always wanted.  But we try the idea, vote for the candidate, buy the product, do the ...

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