Implications of the Resurrection

One of my favorite things to do in life is to go on spiritual retreat. Since March of 1984 I have been making, and leading, spiritual retreats that are designed to facilitate personal spiritual renewal.  On the weekend of March 9-12, 2006, I had an experience that not only prepared me to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead that coming Easter Sunday but shaped my daily walk for many years to come.  The ...

Ignoring the Battle is Dangerous to Our Souls

Like most Americans, I am reminded daily of the battles we are fighting both at home and abroad. It seems undeniable that the amount, and intensity, of global terrorism is on the rise. And the news media do a good job of recounting the statistics and keeping the terrible images before us. Car bombings, insurgent uprisings, the kidnapping of foreigners and nationals alike and the ever rising number of victims, killed, wounded or sometimes ...

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