How is Fear Stealing from You?

Like many people, I used to be afraid of public speaking.  I could speak without fear one-on-one or in small groups but the thought of being upfront in a group of people, even a relatively small group of people, was terrifying.  This fear was so strong in me that even as I went through my college and seminary experience, I told myself I wasn’t called to traditional pastor roles because I knew all of them required a significant amount of preaching or teaching in large group settings. Fear was limiting my vision, what I believed God was calling me to do and what I believed God could do in and through me.

I would love to tell you that one day God visited me supernaturally and delivered me from fear, but that never really happened, at least not in the way that you and I would hope.  I somehow got through my speech class in college, and my seminary preaching practicums were even more difficult.  Part of the preaching curriculum was you were videotaped delivering 2 messages.  Then they were replayed in class the following week and you were critiqued by the professor and your fellow students.  The process was brutal and for someone who lacked confidence, the whole experience actually made the situation worse and not better.  Fear got bigger and stronger, rather than smaller and weaker.  My experiences were actually confirming my beliefs and my fears. 

Upon completion of seminary, I was called by God to a small church in the city of St Paul MN, where I had to preach on a weekly basis, plus weddings, funerals, and special events.  The fear of public speaking was still strong in me but my sense of God’s call, and wanting to be obedient to that call, was stronger, thank God. It didn’t mean however that I wouldn’t struggle each week as I prepared for and delivered the message during the Sunday worship service.  Many times, that fear would turn to dread at having to preach, knowing I was being critiqued by the congregation and other seasoned pastors who were a part of the congregation.  I was being obedient and experiencing some fruit but not enjoying the journey at all.  To improve and to get over my fear, I attended several communication workshops and those helped me be modestly more effective.  But still, for many years fear stole my joy and limited my effectiveness in communicating the Word of God to others.

Real change, a change that set me free to be myself, to proclaim God’s truth as I understood it, in the way that I believed God was calling me to present it, came for me as I began to be confirmed in my own heart about my true identity in Christ.  That I am a deeply loved son of God, created in His image and likeness and commissioned for a life purpose that only I can fulfill.  As my identity shifted from believing what other people thought about me and my performance to what God said was true of me and my circumstances, I was set free from the fear of public speaking.  Fast forward to today, teaching the Word of God is one of the most enjoyable things I do as a part of my overall responsibilities.  God delivered me, supernaturally, over time, by changing my beliefs and healing my heart.  Even 5 years ago I could never have imagined the freedom I feel in this area and the joy that it has brought into my life.  More importantly, I believe I am more effective in teaching God’s truth to others because I am not preoccupied with myself and the opinions of others.

My point here is not simply to share a personal testimony, though I think that is always a good thing to do, but to remind us of some important principles.  First, it is imperative that we know and live out of our true identity if we are going to overcome the devil and fulfill God’s plan for our lives.  Your particular issue may not be fear of public speaking but you are afraid of something else?  It might be the fear of intimacy, really being vulnerable to others?  Or you might be afraid to trust God financially, leading you to make decisions that leave you in control financially?  Or maybe it’s the fear of failure, fear of being laughed at, fear of being wrong, or fear of conflict?  The truth is there is no end of things to be afraid of, some are mild inconveniences while others are major obstacles that limit our effectiveness and steal our joy.  I read a quote a couple of weeks ago that I found really challenging.  It comes from Jack Canfield, a motivational speaker and corporate trainer.  He says, “everything you want is on the other side of fear.”  Think about that just for a minute.  Can you relate?  It might see to be a bit of an overstatement but I believe is true more often than we care to admit.

What are the fears that are stealing your joy and limiting what God can do through you?  The devil would have you believe that you can never be free of them.  Don’t believe it.  Don’t’ allow fear to steal from you any longer.  God is able to transform your heart and set you free supernaturally.  It can start immediately, though it may take weeks or months for you to find final victory.  Meditating upon God’s truth about ourselves and our situations, under the direction and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, God transforms us and sets free of our fears.  Praise God.

If you feel stuck or would like some help finding victory over your fears, we can help.  Please contact me at and take the first steps toward a new journey today. 


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