RTF IFM Format Application
RTF IFM Format Application
Below are the two options for completing the application for RTF Issue Focused Ministry (this format includes one three-hour session).
Click on the link below to open the file.
Print out the document.
Applications must be filled-in using black ink.
Completed applications should be submitted to Pastor Bruce and Barb Kotila at the address listed below.
Screen Fillable Forms
To utilize this feature your computer must have the Adobe Reader software installed (available at no cost at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2/html).
Click on the link below to open the file and then save this file to your desktop.
Magnifying the form to at least 125% will make it easier to read and fill-in
You can conveniently complete the application right on your computer by simply typing your information into the form's displayed fields. REMEMBER to SAVE FREQUENTLY as you complete this 10-page application.
Completed applications should be submitted as an email attachment to office@godslivingstones.org.
RTF Issue Focused Ministry Application (PQ)
God's Living Stones * PO Box 461023 * Papillion NE 68046 * Pastor Bruce 402-290-3480