Group Coaching
Group Coaching
If you are looking for a group environment here in Omaha, NE, this is a great option for you!
This option includes:
- Gain proficiency in a pre-determined skill or life habit foundational to the spiritual life (Beginning January 23, 2023. The topic is A Study of 1 Peter and will cover all five chapters of the book). Click here for more information - coming soon.
- Learn the basic elements required for mastery of that skill
- Identify gaps and weaknesses in your current understanding and ability
- Seek God’s guidance in developing new skills and habits
- Personalize your learning to reflect your uniqueness
- Implement an achievable plan with measurable goals and outcomes
- Practice at least 30 minutes per day to grow in proficiency and establish new habits
- These coaching sessions will be limited to 30 people, with small groups no larger than 15 people.
- Two (2) 90-minute in-person meetings each month.
- Meetings will run from 9:00 am to 10:30 am
- Meetings will be on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays
- Free access to each recorded session.
Our next session begins January 23, 2023, (but feel free to jump in anytime after that). The cost is $79 per month.
Use this link to register/pay for our next Spiritual Life Group Coaching Session
Please contact Pastor Bruce with any questions or 402-290-3480